
4 表一 金融機構家數及存放款資料統計表 單位:家;新臺幣十億元 Table 1 : Number and Deposit/Loan Outstanding Balance of Financial Institutions Unit: firm; NT$ billion 項目 Item 年/ 月 Year/Month 金融機構家數Number of Financial Institutions 金融機構存款Deposits 金融機構放款Loans 本國銀行 Domestic Banks 外國及大陸地區 銀行在台分行 Local Branches of Foreign and Mainland Chinese Banks 信用合作社 Credit Cooperatives 票券金融公司 Bills Finance Companies 本國銀行 Domestic Banks 外國及大陸地區 銀行在台分行 Local Branches of Foreign and Mainland Chinese Banks 信用合作社 Credit Cooperatives 本國銀行 Domestic Banks 外國及大陸地區 銀行在台分行 Local Branches of Foreign and Mainland Chinese Banks 信用合作社 Credit Cooperatives 2014 39(3460) 30(39) 23(246) 8(30) 28,339 409 601 21,387 730 405 2015 39(3442) 30(39) 23(253) 8(30) 30,063 532 628 22,031 808 429 2016 39(3430) 29(38) 23(260) 8(30) 30,948 788 646 22,717 931 442 2017 38(3417) 29(38) 23(267) 8(30) 32,339 680 663 23,644 1,124 457 2018 37(3403) 29(38) 23(276) 8(30) 33,352 636 674 24,777 1,266 478 2019 36(3405) 29(38) 23(284) 8(30) 34,930 707 702 25,946 1,393 500 2020 37(3403) 29(38) 23(285) 8(30) 38,556 915 746 28,006 1,287 527 2021 38(3404) 30(39) 23(287) 8(30) 41,977 665 796 30,322 1,337 556 2022 39(3384) 31(40) 23(288) 8(30) 44,634 1,099 828 32,816 1,428 585 2023 38(3393) 31(40) 23(289) 8(30) 47,423 1,146 861 34,865 1,176 612 2024/01 38(3393) 31(40) 23(289) 8(30) 47,733 1,205 864 35,121 1,031 617 2024/02 38(3393) 31(40) 23(289) 8(30) 48,320 1,136 865 35,411 1,013 618 2024/03 38(3393) 31(40) 23(290) 8(30) 48,898 1,066 867 35,742 1,053 620 .Source: "Financial Statistics Monthly, Republic of China (Taiwan)." compiled by Economic Research Department, Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan). .括弧內之數字為分支機構家數。Numbers in brackets indicate the number of branch offices. .其他統計資料請參閱金管會網站www.fsc.gov.tw 銀行局→金融資訊→金融統計項下資料。For more information, please visit FSC website www.fsc.gov.tw. .本國銀行放款金額不含OBU及海外分行。Figures for loans by domestic banks do not include those made by OBUs or overseas branches. 表二 臺灣證券交易所上市公司發行與交易概況 單位:家;新臺幣十億元 Table 2 : Highlights of Equity Issuance and Turnover on Taiwan Stock Exchange Unit : firm; NT$ billion 項目 年/ 月 Item Year/Month 上市家數 Listed companies 資本額 Capital Issued 台灣加權指數 Taiwan TAIEX 市值 Market Capitalization 成交值* Total TradingValue 2014 854 6,783 9,307 26,892 23,043 2015 874 6,951 8,338 24,504 22,505 2016 892 7,022 9,254 27,248 18,916 2017 907 7,136 10,643 31,832 25,799 2018 928 7,158 9,727 29,318 32,162 2019 942 7,155 11,997 36,414 29,057 2020 948 7,238 14,733 44,904 49,183 2021 959 7,385 18,219 56,282 95,517 2022 971 7,500 14,138 44,266 59,574 2023 997 7,639 17,931 56,842 6,590 2024/01 1,001 7,656 17,890 56,866 6,662 2024/02 1,001 7,656 18,967 60,273 5,065 2024/03 1,006 7,660 20,294 64,513 10,002 *係指集中市場全體證券總成交值 * Refers to total trading value for all securities listed on TWSE market 表三 保險業家數及保費收入統計表 單位:家數;新臺幣百萬元 Table 3 : Number of Insurance Companies and Insurance Premium Income Unit: firm; NT$ million 項目 Item 年/ 月 Year / Month 保險公司家數( 含保險合作社) Number of Insurance Companies (including the insurance cooperative) 保費收入( 不含保險合作社) Insurance Premium Income (not including the insurance cooperative) 再保險業 Reinsurance 財產保險業 Non-Life Insurance 人身保險業 Life Insurance 財產保險業 Non-Life Insurance 人身保險業 Life Insurance 本國 Domestic 外國 Foreign 本國 Domestic 外國 Foreign 2014 3 17 5 24 5 131,558 2,617,523 2015 3 17 5 24 5 135,375 2,746,018 2016 3 17 6 23 5 145,178 3,050,186 2017 3 17 6 23 5 155,983 3,209,413 2018 3 17 6 23 5 164,860 3,296,305 2019 3 17 7 23 4 176,371 3,285,461 2020 3 17 6 23 4 187,390 3,025,365 2021 3 17 6 23 4 206,729 2,648,484 2022 3 17 6 23 3 206,675 2,111,473 2023 3 17 6 23 3 18,906 208,899 2024/01 3 17 5 23 3 27,899 207,069 2024/02 3 17 5 23 3 18,597 144,025 2024/03 3 17 5 23 3 21,534 169,591 註:保險機構家數以營業執照核發為依據。其中: 1. 朝陽人壽、國寶人壽、幸福人壽、國華人壽、華山產險、國華產險等公司目前停業清理中。 2. 澳商國衛人壽已停業,但未繳銷營業執照。 Note: the number of insurance companies is based on the number of business licenses issued. Of these: 1. Chaoyang Life Insurance Co., Ltd., Global Life Insurance Co., Ltd., Singfor Life Insurance Co., Ltd., Kuo Hua Life insurance Co., Ltd, Huashan Non-life Insurance Co., Ltd., Kuo Hua Non-Life insurance Co., Ltd have halted operations and are undergoing liquidation. 2. The National Mutual Life Association of Australasia Limited has ceased operations but its business license has not been handed in for cancellation. 統計資料 Statistics